Health and wellbeing take centre stage among startup founders

Recent unfortunate episodes, including the passing of high-achieving individuals like the founders of Epigamia, Table Space, and Pepperfry, among many others, have cast a sobering spotlight on the need to rethink how we approach health and balance in our live…
Anton Stark · 11 days ago · 1 minute read

AI and Analytics: Driving Business Strategy

The Power of AI and Analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a branch of computer science focused on building machines capable of intelligent behavior, is revolutionizing businesses across industries. Combined with data analytics, it enables organizations to harness vast amounts of data to gain insights, make informed decisions, and optimize operations.

AI in Action

From automating repetitive tasks to providing personalized customer experiences, AI finds applications in various business domains:

  • Customer relationship management: Identifying customer needs and providing personalized services
  • Predictive analytics: Forecasting future outcomes and identifying risk profiles
  • Machine learning: Improving decision-making by identifying patterns and correlations in data
  • Analytics and Strategy

    Data analytics provides the foundation for AI to extract meaningful insights.

    Tanusree De, Managing Director of Accenture Technology Lead, believes, "Data analytics is essential for businesses to understand customer behavior, identify market trends, and make data-driven decisions."

    Embracing AI and Analytics

    Organizations must embrace AI and analytics to stay competitive and drive growth. This includes:

    • Investing in AI and data analytics infrastructure
    • Building a data-driven culture
    • Training employees on AI and analytics tools